Friday, August 10, 2007

CondoHype! Inspired: "Radius Reality"

We've really enjoyed CondoHype's! writing these past few months. If I could write with half the wit or vocabulary of he/she, I might get the traffic of Victoria's Truth. Alas, I don't. None-the-less, in honour of CondoHype, I give you this attempt at satire:

Radius Reality: Episode One...

You may not be able to read it, but Radius promises an episode of Melrose Place if you only buy a unit in the "village" where beautiful, sexy, successful singles (some being politically-correct single parents) own. Note the way people look at each other: men look at younger women, women look emotional, and the add speculates on "connections" with your neighbours--ah, the old village euphemism rears its ugly head. Last I heard, people buy a roof over their heads because they need shelter not a dating service: talk about a new wave of post-materialist values. (And you can get free dating sites on the Internet)

Wow, this ad promises you childcare, an exercise facility and ample opportunities to check out "hot chicks" riding Segways in those "new" tight jean styles. And at a $250,000 "starting" price, Radius can only be targeting the First Time Buyer and those that must choose between owning a house and owning a car. Don't worry, another ad espouses the non-need that owning a car will be if you live at Radius.

I don't think Ms. HHV would appreciate me addressing the blatant sexism going on in this ad, so I won't. I didn't think this kind of advertising would invade sleepy, old, target the boomers Victoria.


  1. hhv,

    Poor condohype, you radiate potential!

  2. These short-cut marketers seem to have asked themselves, "What works to sell condos in California?" and then applied the methods to our completely unrelated local market. This shows cynicism and a complete lack of imagination. Laughable.


  3. Nice work HHV.

    Radius is ridiculous!

    I'm not sure why you don't get more traffic than I do. You're blog is funnier, more interesting, more enlightened. And I'm not sucking up!

    I've noticed that your "Blogtopsites" isn't registered. Perhaps that would help.

  4. HHV and Prairieboy:
    You both sell yourselves both have fantastic blogs!

  5. I've been reading your blog for a few months now and really enjoy the postings and ensuing for my first contribution I wanted to say - hhv, you were so on the mark here. I was reading those same ads and thinking how artificial and pathetic they were! Thanks for your witty commentary! (and yes, my hsb and I are perspective FTBs in Victoria now comfortable with our decision to hold off in part due to your blog and VT)

  6. sorry..bad grammer in first post...meant to read "prospective FTBs"!

  7. Those Radius ads are the limit. They are actually well done from a visual/psychological perspective, but they are like ripe cheeses lexically.

    But what demographic are they targeting? Mentally diminished 17 year olds? Blackmailing off-spring of mom 'n' pop grow ops?

  8. Good one hhv.

    Your site, VT and Cheap Realty are my must read sites.

